Friday, January 7, 2011

Panama Canal Side Story (Day 4)

Yesterday, inside the Miraflores museum, I stumbled across a computer that contained a database of all the Panama Canal workers who took part in its construction. Finding this gave me a chance to look for my anscestors´ names, who had worked there in the past. Two of my great-great-grandfathers, Otto Hermanson and Louis Schwab, had been involved in its creation. Born in the mid 1870s, they were construction workers in Rhode Island and were sent to Panama near the turn of the century to help build the canal. Although on different sides of my maternal family, they likely worked for the same company and may have been in Panama at the same time. Knowing that my anscestor´s had had a hand in the creation of the Canal made the experience all the more memorable and significant.

Colin Gannon

P.S.- Thanks to my Mom and Grandpa for confirming and providing supplementary information.

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