Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dokas Coffee Estate

Today, in my opinion, was one of the most relaxing days so far, while still incorporating some great experiences. After several days of early bus calls, we had nothing to do until 11:15, and everyone took advantage of it. Many of the students took advantage of the hotel's beautiful pool area and enjoyed some morning Costa Rican sun.TJ and Colin were up early and out for a nice run in the beautiful countryside surrounding the hotel, although we both felt consequences the heat and long hills natural to Costa Rica (while there is a blizzard in New England, we are enjoying temperatures in the high 80s). Regardless, it was an enjoyable start today. Upon returning to the hotel, we found most of our classmates eating breakfast outside in the warm weather, with others were taking advantage of the tropical sun.

After a stressfree morning of relaxing by the pool at our wonderful hotel, we all made the bus at 11:15 to head to Dokas Coffee Estate in the hills nearby. We were met with fantastic views over the coffee plantation and a delicious lunch put on by the Dokas organization. This lunch, natrually, included samples of fresh coffee that everyone enjoyed. We took some time to explore the plantation before taking a tour of the coffee production facility. We were amazed at the process involved in producing coffee, and gained a new found appreciation for the procedure. During the tour, our guide Omar discussed topics learned in our class earlier this semester regarding fair trade, competition, and effects of globalization. Finally, everyone utilized the gift shop to purchase some fresh coffee beans and other treats.

Next it was back in the bus to head to a local market for a bit of shopping. Although we were found high prices, we were exposed to some handcrafted Costa Rican wood products, which, understandably, can only be found in this country. Following this, we headed back to the hotel and then out to various dinner locations to experience the local food. Many of us went to a local restaurant/bar named Chery's Bar which offered various Costa Rican entrees as well as American foods for more than reasonable prices. James's dinner came to a total of $7 which included a hamburger with french fries as well as a soda. We found it humorous that that hamburgers literally had a piece of ham on them, and it actually turned out to be very delicious. After a bit of relaxing around the hotel, we must get to bed early for a 7:15 bus call tomorrow to head to Earth University. I am glad to say everyone is genuinely enjoying every second of this amazing experience.

Pura Vida!
Colin Gannon and James Lineberger

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